Effective Promotional Product Use In Republican Campaigns - Part 1

"No one will vote for you because you gave them a pen, an emery board or a refrigerator magnet."

Play Pen Yard

The idea that someone would vote for you based only on the fact that you gave them something with your Republican campaign logo on it is absolutely retarded. However, promotional products can be used effectively in a Republican Campaign when they:

Play Pen Yard

1) Have a defined purpose

2) Are Issue Oriented

3) Solve a Problem

This article will focus on defined purpose. Issue Oriented and Solve A Problem will be covered in parts 2 and 3. It's my hope that this series will help you, "Think it through" so that the promotional product expenditures you do make are well though out and serve to give you a better Return On Investment (ROI). The best way to define "Defined Purpose" is to give you examples.

Information Dispersal:

Lets say you have a great website with all your white papers, your stand on all the issues, a campaign photo gallery, a support/volunteer sign up form and your contact information. Now, how to cost effectively get that web address into the hands of voters?

First of all, it's reasonable to want even Democrats, Independents and undecideds to have that information. So parades, festivals and sporting events are a great place to hand out an inexpensive pen, pencil, emery board or a refrigerator magnet.

These items will remain with the recipient LONG after a lapel sticker that so many campaigns seem to be fond of. Yes, lapel stickers are really, really cheap. But cheap doesn't automatically mean EFFECTIVE. Stickers get tossed rather quickly. On the other hand, a pen, pencil or magnet all have a perceived value that gives them a better chance of making it into the home, be looked at and acted upon, ie; they check out your site.

Thank Proven Supporters & Volunteers:

A volunteer who has donated 40 hours of their time on your Republican campaign and is expecting nothing, will be pleased and excited about a high perceived value-low cost gift such as a mug, bandanna or water bottle or campaign hat or visor or lapel pin.

Mind you, you are giving these items to volunteers or proven supporters ie: they gave you a check, put a bumper sticker on their car, a lawn sign in their yard or otherwise have proven you're their candidate.

The degree to which this tactic will succeed when directed to proven supports and volunteers is exactly the same degree this tactic will fail if you go giving this stuff away to every Tom, Dick and Jane you meet. It's worth saying again, if someone isn't going to vote for you, giving them a mug won't change their mind. So please, don't waste promotional marketing dollars on people that won't yield you a positive (ROI).

Plays a Supportive Role In the Campaign

A good example this is when you purchase safety flashers for going door to door at dusk for you and your volunteers. And no, handing them out to kids for Trick or Treat is not a great idea, because NO ONE is going to vote for you because you gave their kid a safety flasher. (They can work as part of an "Issue Oriented" tactic that will be covered in detail in part 2 of this series.) Other products that can play a supportive marketing purpose in your campaign include imprinted lanyards, pens, pencils, water bottles, highlighters, clipboards.

Remember however, these items are primarily for campaign staff and volunteers. Staff and supporters may give some of these items, such as pens and pencils, to identified/proven supporters as they meet these people. But by and large the other items are for volunteer/staff use. It's part of the branding of the campaign. And while small tokens of your appreciation, items such as lanyards and water bottles, visors or caps help promote your campaign while making life a bit easier for your staff and volunteers.

Other Items And Their Role

Items such as bumper stickers, lapel stickers are campaign staples. However, only give bumper stickers to those who will put them on their bumper. Lapel stickers are great for rallys and campaign events as they serve to create a cohesiveness among sticker wearers. However, as far as parades go, if there aren't any TV cameras around, save your stickers. You can easily go through a couple hundred dollars or more worth of stickers that will end up on the ground and in the trash can soon after the parade is over or you are out of sight at a festival.

Candy? Save your money. Besides, most campaigns are really doing little more than advertising the brand name of the candy being thrown. Again, no one is going to vote for you because you threw candy out at a parade. So even imprinted candy is a bad idea ... your name ends up in the trash or all over the street as trash. Nice image.

Balloons? Blapel stckeralloons are an inexpensive item. However, helium is not. And lugging tanks to a fair or festival site, blowing up and tying balloons is a hassle. Again, unless you're expecting TV cameras ... you might want to think twice about balloons and opt instead for waterless tattoos or your campaign pencils. Balloons are a nice effect for meet and greets, rallys and fundraisers ... especially if TV will be present.

By and large, promotional products can play a powerful role in your campaign... if you think it through. Those who maintain that promotional products are a waste of money are usually the ones who can't develop creative ideas for the effective use of the products.

Part two of this series will address ways promotional products can effectively play an issue-oriented role in your campaign.

Effective Promotional Product Use In Republican Campaigns - Part 1
Play Pen Yard

Nikon Lens 18-200

Crate Training A Puppy Or Adult Dog

Many people, who unfortunately misunderstand the concept of good crate training, believe that crating a dog for any length of time is cruel and they refuse to even consider it. In fact, a crate really is a wonderful tool when used correctly. Crate training can be fun for the puppy if you make it a POSITIVE experience. I firmly believe it to be the fastest and easiest way to potty train a puppy or even an adult, previously untrained dog.

Play Pen Yard

The majority of new pet owners misconstrue the purpose of a dog crate. It is NOT used to punish a puppy; the puppy should deem the crate to be his safe haven. Once you recognize this fact, you will be able to utilize the puppy's den to your advantage and build up a proper potty training plan.

Play Pen Yard

When you have a new puppy or dog, you will use a crate to limit his admission to the entire house until he learns all the house rules. A crate is also a secure way of transporting your dog in the car, as well as an opportunity to take him places where it may not be appropriate for him to run without restraint.

Giving the pup special "treats" is a perfect way to introduce him to his crate. The only time the puppy receives these special treats is when he is in the crate; the treats become associated with the crate. Thus, when introduced and used correctly, your dog will think of his crate as his safe haven and he will be happy to spend time there when required. Basically, you need to think like a dog for this to work: normally, a dog never chooses a busy part of the house for his hideaway. He usually selects a dark corner off by himself where he feels sheltered and safe; maybe under a table or chair or between furniture where he is able to see anyone approaching. So, use this concept to your advantage, now that you understand the dog's purpose for the crate is that it becomes his "den" you can move forward. Remember though, repetition is essential. Your puppy will not understand what you want unless you repeatedly show him exactly what is required of him.

A dog will never make his den dirty. If a dog is correctly trained to love his den, his instinct will be to keep it clean. This is the foremost reason why a crate works in potty training. A dog should always be at ease and safe in his crate and above all he always desires to have a clean environment. A crate must be a positive place where your dog can find security and pleasure. An attractive crate makes for a welcoming den - a comfy blanket, tasty treats, and a favorite toy help to make the pup comfortable. Also very important, the crate needs to be in a place where your dog will not feel as if he is part of the family and not isolated.

Always feed the pup/dog's regular meals somewhere close to his crate. This will also create a pleasant association with the crate. Some trainers recommend actually feeding meals inside the crate; this too is fine, but my personal preference is to keep food dishes outside. An exception to this could be with a adult dog who initially views the crate negatively; placing meals inside the crate will be a great encouragement to him accepting it. After the dog is eating his regular meals in the crate with no sign of fear or anxiety, begin moving the dishes outside.

To sum up: using a crate correctly, establishes restrictions for your dog when you are away from the house and unable to keep an eye on his behavior. A crate is also a safe area for your dog to be if you're having company and you have a less than social dog. Another surprising advantage: dogs who are afraid of thunderstorms or fireworks, often find refuge in their familiar crate/den.

Normally a puppy follows a very definite "potty pattern": when he wakes up in the morning; immediately after meal; when he wakes up from a nap; after he has been playing, or after it has been a while since he last went potty. At each of these strategic points, take the puppy outside to take care of his business. A puppy can not hold it a long time so you must be trained to anticipate his likely needs. Look at it this way, you need to understand that the better trained you become, the better trained your puppy will be.

The last two dogs I have crate trained personally were a six week old female Dalmatian puppy and an adult rescued (badly abused) female Dalmatian. I began the baby in a comfortable, plastic travel crate, while the adult dog was put in a much larger, fold down wire crate. Both crates were situated in the kitchen/dining room which is the most occupied area of the house.

With both dogs, the following schedule was set up and followed faithfully:

Early Morning: Puppy/dog woke up in her crate; I immediately took the puppy/dog outside to the part of the yard we had designated as her "potty area". Right from the start I began repeating "Quickly, quickly, quickly", so that she would straight away associate the command with going to potty. Immediately she obliged, I praised her bother verbally and with lots of pats. We then returned to the house and the puppy was given breakfast and the adult dog was given a biscuit. After breakfast we both went back outside for the puppy to go potty while the adult dog went for a walk. Both dogs were then allowed to play safely for a while in the house, then back outside, potty, praise, return into the house, and naptime in the crate.

Afternoon: Puppy/dog woke up again; time to go outside. I immediately began repeating "Quickly, quickly, quickly", and pretty soon both animals obliged almost instantly and they were rewarded with lots of praise. Back into the house for lunch. Puppy/dog ate lunch the again went outside with me and went potty; lots of praise, then back into the house for playtime. The puppy indulged in lots of activity, while the adult dog socialized with us and explored the house. I allowed this for a given amount of time, then back outside to potty, then back into the crate for naptime.

Evening: Puppy/dog woke up and straight away went outside. Verbally encouraged, then praised, they both quickly went potty and knowing that they had done what was required of them, straight away looked to go back into the house for dinner. Dinner was eaten - back outside. Family social hour - back outside.

This routine WORKS. I will tell you with absolute honesty that in both instances, I didn't have to clean up a single "accident" with either animal.

At bed time, both animals had a last trip outside then were snuggled up for the night in their crate. When the puppy was very young, I set the alarm and took her outside once during the night. This nocturnal trip depends upon the age of the puppy and some babies may need to go out more than once during the night initially. This improves with age. Remember whenever he or she wakes you up in the middle of the night that your dog is reacting to your training and is actually doing the right thing by asking. Please be patient.

If you work, don't expect the puppy to wait 10 to 12 hours while you are gone. Make arrangements to go home for lunch, or have a neighbor or friend come over and follow the same routine of potty, praise, and play. As a puppy gets older and can hold it longer, the crate becomes less necessary. Just make sure that if you allow your dog freedom, he is still limited in a safe area. Check for electrical cords and unsafe "chewy" items. Better safe than sorry.

Remember, as your dog gets accustomed to his crate routine and enjoys the security of having his own space, never leave a puppy crated for longer than three or four hours at a time or an adult dog for longer than eight hours. If you crate your dog at night, you should make sure he has plenty of uncrated time during the day.

Even when the pup or dog is no longer confined to the crate, they continue see it as their "den", their refuge, and I keep it available to them with the entrance door propped open. Whenever they choose to go into the crate, make sure they are left alone; especially make children respect it as the pup or dog's private place. Dogs love their crates, when they remain available to them they prefer to use them, cuddled into their favorite blanket.

Crates are also a very useful tool to employ as a puppy becomes older and is going through the stage where it is losing its puppy teeth and chewing on everything. Then, it's a good idea to crate him whenever you are away from the house.

Proper crate training of a puppy shapes the puppy's behavior positively using his animal instincts to your advantage. Surely, this is much better than accidents on your floor. Remember above all else to be tolerant and consistent in your training. Love your puppy and give him lots of praise when he does it correctly. Dogs love praise; they thrive on it and positive reinforcement works every time.

Remember though, crate is NOT a magical solution. If not used correctly, a dog will feel trapped and frustrated. As an example, if your dog is crated all day while you're at work and then crated again all night, he's definitely spending far too much time in much too small a space. Also remember that puppies under six months of age should never stay in a crate for more than three or four hours at a stretch. They can't control their functions for longer periods.

If your dog whines or cries when crated at night, it may be difficult to decide whether he's whining to be let out of the crate, or whether he needs to be taken outside to eliminate. Try to ignore the whining for a few minutes. If your dog is just testing you, he will probably stop whining soon. Yelling at him or pounding on the crate will only make things worse and will definitely destroy the dog's confidence in your training. If the whining continues after you've ignored him for several minutes, use the phrase he's learnt to associate with going outside to eliminate. If he responds and becomes excited, take him outside. This should be a trip with a purpose, not play time. If you're certain that your dog doesn't need to eliminate, the best response is to ignore him until he stops whining. Don't give in, otherwise you will just teach your dog to whine loud and long to get what he wants. If you've progressed slowly but surely through the training steps and haven't done too much too fast, you will be less likely to encounter this problem. If the problem becomes unmanageable, you may need to start the crate training process over again.

You need to be certain the crate is the correct size for the pup/dog. If it is too big, the pup may try to use part of it as a bathroom and this is something you definitely need to avoid. The crate needs to be big enough to allow the dog to stand up and lie down comfortably. If you know your dog is going to grow into a big dog, then consider getting a divider so you will have the proper size crate in the beginning and it can grow along with the dog!

Location is also immensely important. You must be able to hear the pup. If the pup is whining, he probably needs to go potty and should be taken out. Remember the routine outlined above. The crate should be in a room where there is activity.

Crates may be plastic (often referred to as flight kennels) or collapsible, metal pens. They come in different sizes and can be purchased at most pet supply stores as well as online. All have pros and cons, including cost, ventilation, clean-up, etc.

Crate Training A Puppy Or Adult Dog
Play Pen Yard

Cyber Monday Dream On Me 3" Playard Mattress, White 2011 Deals

Nov 29, 2011 13:32:42

Cyber Monday Dream On Me 3
Click for larger image and other views

Dream On Me 3

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Dream On Me 3" Playard Mattress, White <<

Cyber Monday Dream On Me 3" Playard Mattress, White Feature

  • 3" playard mattress
  • Hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial waterproof cover
  • Fits the Graco square pack n' play
  • Accommodates babies 3 - 45 pounds
  • Passes Federal Flammability Standard 16 CFR 1633

Cyber Monday Dream On Me 3" Playard Mattress, White Overview

25-GR Features: -Portable crib mattress. -Square edges for Graco Play Yard. -Hypoallergenic. -Anti-bacterial waterproof cover. -Wipes clean with mild soap and water. -Complies with 16-CFR 1633 standards.

SAVE NOW on Cyber Monday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Cyber Monday Dream On Me 3" Playard Mattress, White ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Dream On Me 3

Limited Offer Today!! Dream On Me 3" Playard Mattress, White Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

Rangefinders For Hunting Nikon Digital Zoom Camera

Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet)

Black Friday Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet) 2011 Deals

Nov 28, 2011 13:59:32

Black Friday Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet) Deals
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Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet)

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet) <<

Black Friday Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet) Feature

  • Elevated, easy-reach changing table
  • Full-size bassinet
  • Compact folding design
  • Easy maneuvering wheels
  • Easily folds into carry bag

Black Friday Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet) Overview

Safety 1st Travel Ease Plus Play Yard The Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Deluxe Play Yard makes traveling a breeze for you and your little one.  The compact folding design allows you to easily take it from place to place, whether you're going to visit the grandparents or just transitioning from the nursery to the living room.  The elevated, easy-reach changing table and full-size bassinet give you multiple ways to use the play yard.

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Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet)

Limited Offer Today!! Safety 1st Travel EaseTM Plus Play Yard (Droplet) Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Digital Canon Canon Powershot 10 Mp Digital Camera Adjustable Lap Tray

Delta Fun Time 36 X 36" Play Yard

Black Friday Delta Fun Time 36 X 36" Play Yard 2011 Deals

Nov 27, 2011 14:29:07

Black Friday Delta Fun Time 36 X 36
Click for larger image and other views

Delta Fun Time 36 X 36

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Delta Fun Time 36 X 36" Play Yard <<

Black Friday Delta Fun Time 36 X 36" Play Yard Feature

  • Frame with exposed metal edges
  • Full size 36 x 36 play pen
  • Fun, bright multi color fabric
  • Engaging character printed mesh, compact fold for easy storage and travel
  • JPMA Certified, meets or exceeds all ASTM standards, conforms to all applicable CPSC standards

Black Friday Delta Fun Time 36 X 36" Play Yard Overview

Delta Fun Time Collection Play PenThis play pen offers plenty of fun and entertainment for your baby. With an incredible 36" x 36" area of mesh-contained play space your little one will have plenty of room to work their growing muscles as they crawl and explore. A convenient travel bag is also included - just fold your Fun Time Collection Play Pen up, stow it in the bag, and you and your little one are off!

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Delta Fun Time 36 X 36" Play Yard ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Delta Fun Time 36 X 36

Limited Offer Today!! Delta Fun Time 36 X 36" Play Yard Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Lap Trays Satellite Speaker Mounts Tripod Mounting Plate

The Perfect Gift - Presence

Gift giving events, such as birthdays and holidays, always remind me of that old phrase, you know the one, "You give them all these gifts and yet... they play in the boxes." Undoubtedly, whether they are playing with the toy or the box, they will turn to you and ask, "Can you to play with me?" This phenomenon highlights an important lesson in this strange childhood behavior.

Play Pen Yard

The truth of the matter is that younger children really don't care about the gift or the box. What they care about is playing with the toy, or the box, with you. And this, my friend, is the perfect gift, the gift of your "presence". It doesn't cost you anything and yet it is the most sort after gift. You don't have run from store to store to find it and it's always in stock. No matter how many times you give it, people don't get tired of it.

Play Pen Yard

What your children want is your time, the toy and box is just an added bonus. This perfect gift is not just a best seller for young children. It is just as valuable for older children and even your teenager, though they will never admit it. One of the great things about this gift is that it is not gender specific and it doesn't matter what age you are.

The gift of your presence is not just important for the youngsters. Truthfully, it is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your adult relationships. Setting aside time everyday for your significant other is one of the best things you can do. This gift can give you a daily dose of closeness and happiness.

The sad thing though is that while you spend extra time at work when these gift giving events are coming up so you can buy your children all the toys and gadgets they think they want, the gift of giving your presence goes virtually unnoticed and unrecognized. This quest for the material is inadvertently robbing our loved ones of the precious possession of your "presence".

So, the next time you want to give that "perfect" gift, grab a large empty box, dress up as a pirate and call a mutiny on those chores and yard work. Then set sail with your child, teen and/or your significant other across the Seven Seas searching for Blackbeard's gold, and you can rest assure that it is your presence that fills the treasure chest in their hearts.

The Perfect Gift - Presence
Play Pen Yard

Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) 2011 Deals

Nov 26, 2011 15:00:47

Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) Deals
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Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces)

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) <<

Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) Feature

  • Great way to encourage mobility
  • Create your own shape and space with these panels

Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) Overview

Create interest and encourage mobility with this all weather area divider. Panels easily attach together. Set includes 8 side panels, 4 curved panels, and 4 small center panels (16 total pieces). Can be wiped clean. Measures: 84 1/2"L x 84 1/2"W x 23"H.

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces)

Limited Offer Today!! Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Corner Ladder Bookshelf Flip Hd Camcorder Digital Camera 12 Mp

Meet the Nation's Most Statistically Incredible Team - The University of Washington Huskies

University of Washington football fans came up on the short end of the stick Saturday (10-13-07) when the Arizona State Sun Devils blew into Seattle and extended their winning streak to 7 with a 44-20 second half victory. The Sun Devils outscored Washington in the third quarter 21-0 and in the second half 31-3, and it is a good thing because if the game had ended at the half, Washington would have won 17-13.

Play Pen Yard

Therein lies the challenge of the youthful, inexperienced Washington Huskies: they played a terrible 3rd quarter and have not yet learned how to win games.

Play Pen Yard

This statistic would not mean much unless you know that:

Washington led then No. 10-ranked Ohio State 7-3 at the half and lost 33-14 in its 3rd game. It was tied with then No. 27-rated UCLA 10-10 at the half and lost 44-31 in its 4th game.

Washington led then No. 1-ranked Southern Cal 17-14 at the half and lost 27-24 in its 5th game. They led then No. 12-ranked Arizona State 17-13 at the half and lost 44-20 in its 6th game.

You better believe that Sun Devil Coach Dennis Erickson was more than sweating bullets after watching redshirt freshman quarterback Jake Locker scamper for a 32-yard touchdown run with 4:11 to go in the first half, giving Washington its 17-13 lead.

Do Husky fans realize that if each of these games ended at the half, Washington's record would be 5-0-1 rather than 2-4? Washington would have an unbeaten record after polishing off Syracuse 42-12 in an away game and upsetting then No. 22-ranked Boise State 24-10 in its first two games.

Please, do not be sophomoric (as in sometimes moronic) and remind me that a game lasts 60 minutes and only the final score counts. To do so would ignore the point I am making. You could with fairness make the point that the Huskies have been tripping over themselves coming out of the locker room to start the second half of their last 4 games.

Why this has been happening leaves Coach Ty Willingham clueless. He is quoted in the Tacoma News Tribune (10-14-07 edition) as saying, "It's obviously a difficult thing to talk about because I don't have a solution to it."

Willingham, a man of heretofore impeccable standards and integrity, is also honest. Less than 1% of all college football coaches would not publicly repeat Willingham's admission.

One thing is for sure: Whatever Willingham and his coaching staff members are saying or not saying to Husky players at halftime, it is not working worth a crap and needs to be changed.

Do not tell me that the same Husky players who might play above their head with guts and enthusiasm in the first half go brain dead and unfeeling during the second half. I would love to be a bee on the wall in Washington's locker room at halftime and see what-if any-stinging comments are made. As a certified Monday morning quarterback and coach, this would be the first words out of my mouth at halftime during the Arizona State game:

"Let me be the first to congratulate you on a phenomenal first half. Arizona State made some mistakes in the first half and we did too, but you are leading the unbeaten and No. 12-ranked team in the country at halftime, 17-13.

"Some people would say that the Sun Devils have more talent on their team than we do, but we lead at the half, 17-13.

"Others would say that the Sun Devils have an unbeaten record and our record is 2-3, but we lead at the half, 17-13.

"Still others would say that the Sun Devils are ranked No. 12 in the country and since we are not ranked in the Top 25, they will win this game, but we lead at the half, 17-13.

"Now, we are going to quickly hand everyone a slip of paper and a pen, and by secret ballot I want you to quickly write down which player you think is the leader of this team."

After the ballots are immediately collected and Jake Locker's name is on every ballot or almost every ballot, I would say this:

"Jake, you may be a redshirt freshman but your teammates believe you are the leader of the Washington Husky football team.

"I want you, Jake, to get up right now and tell the coaching staff and your fellow teammates why we can win the second half of this game, how we are going to do it, and what it will take to do it."

I would then, as the head coach, sit down, shut up and listen. After Jake is done with whatever he says, I would ask any other player who received a vote as THE team leader to get up and do the same thing.

Let the players convince themselves and believe they can do in the second half what they did in the first half: outscore the opponent. Do that and Washington upsets its opponent.

Now, why is Washington the nation's most statistically incredible team?

1) The Huskies are rated No. 41 in the Sagarin Ratings.

2) Their current record is 2-4.

3) They are rated No. 1 for having played-for the 4th consecutive week-the toughest schedule among all 242 Division I-A and 1-AA teams.

4) There is not another team among Sagarin's first 40 rated teams with less than 4 wins.

5) The next highest rated Sagarin team with only 2 wins is No. 60 North Carolina at 2-5.

6) The Huskies, as Sagarin's 41st best rated team in the nation, are ahead of No. 42 Alabama (5-2), No. 44 Wisconsin (5-2 and ranked No. 5 in the AP Poll just two weeks ago), No. 46 Louisville (4-3), No. 48 Texas A&M (5-2), No. 51 Air Force (5-2), and No. 52 Indiana (5-2). Not too shabby, as the former Opera Man (Adam Sandler) would say on Saturday Night Live.

7) The highest rated team with the same 2-4 record as Washington is Stanford at No. 68. Stanford has played the 4th toughest schedule in the country.

8) North Carolina, which has a 2-5 record, is rated No. 60. The Tar Heels have played the 3rd toughest schedule through college football's week 7.

I know, now you wonder who has played the 2nd toughest schedule. It is 1-6 Notre Dame. I expect the Huskies to lose against Oregon (hopefully not by 53-7 like cross-state rival Washington State) and California. I predicted this two weeks ago on October 3.

I also predicted on October 3 that Washington would beat (in order) Arizona, Stanford, Oregon State, Washington State and Hawaii, finishing the year at 7-6. Hang on, Husky fans, the best is yet to come.

Copyright © 2007 Ed Bagley

Meet the Nation's Most Statistically Incredible Team - The University of Washington Huskies
Play Pen Yard

Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) 2011 Deals

Nov 25, 2011 15:32:53

Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) Deals
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Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces)

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) <<

Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) Feature

  • Great way to encourage mobility
  • Create your own shape and space with these panels

Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) Overview

Create interest and encourage mobility with this all weather area divider. Panels easily attach together. Set includes 8 side panels, 4 curved panels, and 4 small center panels (16 total pieces). Can be wiped clean. Measures: 84 1/2"L x 84 1/2"W x 23"H.

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces)

Limited Offer Today!! Versatile Play Pen - Large (16 pieces) Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

18X Optical Zoom Digital Camera

Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black

Black Friday Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black 2011 Deals

Nov 24, 2011 15:59:31

Black Friday Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black Deals
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Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black <<

Black Friday Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black Feature

  • Night light and integrated music center with MP3 (iPod) connection
  • Removable changing table with vinyl-top (not fabric) and 4 storage pockets, supports baby up to 25 pounds
  • Removable full-size bassinet holds infant up to 15 pounds with 2 wheels for easy moving
  • Removable parent organizer with 9 storage compartments, holds up to 9 pounds
  • Includes fitted sheet for use with bassinet or playard and zippered travel bag

Black Friday Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black Overview

The Joovy Room Playard has elevated the playard to a new level. This premier, full feature nursery center is a bassinet, changing station and playard, all in one. The Joovy Room has exceptional good looks while offering supreme functionality. Parents love its convenience and multi-purpose usability.The Room has Joovy's contemporary styling and gives a fresh look to the playard category. This appealing design along with Joovy's second to none quality is what sets the Room apart from other playards. Joovy takes pride in using the highest-grade fabrics on the market today. Our 600D nylon fabric is super strong, durable and stain resistant. We urge you to compare our fabrics to other playards on the market because there is no comparison!The full-size bassinet on the Room holds an infant up to 15 pounds. Weve included a 100% cotton sheet that works in the bassinet or playard floor (additional sheets are sold separately). Were sure youll find this sheet the softest, heavy-duty playard sheet available for your childs comfort and wellbeing.The removable changing table supports a baby up to 25 pounds. A notable feature is the Rooms changing table, it has a vinyl top (not fabric) so its super easy to wipe down. It also includes four storage pockets to hold your essentials.The parent organizer is the biggest available on a playard. Ours has 9 storage compartments (including a hard plastic top for wipes); it holds up to 9 lbs. of nursery items.The Room has two wheels making it easy to move around your home. The built-in MP3 (iPod) jack with speaker allows you to play your personal playlist or the integrated music with sleep mode. Your child will enjoy playing or sleeping to his favorite nursery tunes. The Room is also equipped with a built-in nightlight positioned to work inside the bassinet or playard.Includes zippered back for when you are on the go.

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

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This Black Friday Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black

Limited Offer Today!! Joovy Room Playard with Bassinet and Changing Table, Black Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Davinci Mini Crib Toddler Car Bed

What Boulder Are You Pushing?

You know how we all receive those chain email notes all the time the ones that get forwarded to us and if we don't pass them along we'll have a gazillion years bad luck? Usually I delete them immediately ..however one I received the other day caught my attention. It was about a man was sleeping one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light. A voice told him to go outside because there was work to do. The man went outside and found a large rock in front of his cabin. The voice told the man to push against the rock with all his might...so the man pushed. He pushed and pushed against the rock, every day, for years and years ..yet never moved the rock.

Play Pen Yard

The man began to think the task was impossible. He was discouraged and disheartened. Finally, the man questioned the voice, "I have labored long and hard. I have put all of my strength into moving the boulder and it has not moved. What is wrong? Why am I failing?"

Play Pen Yard

The voice responded, "I told you there was work to do. I told you to push against the rock. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to MOVE the rock. Your task was to PUSH. Through your work of pushing the rock, you have grown strong. In pushing you have inspired others, learned determination, dedication and devotion. You have toiled tirelessly and have learned great things. That is what I wanted of you."

So many of us toil and labor so many of us react to what we think we should be doing. So many of us get caught up in the routine of pushing the boulder that we lose sight of WHY we're pushing the boulder. The purpose of the boulder is what it makes of you. We all have a boulder .what is your boulder making of you?

Let me tell you about one of MY boulders ..the boulder of cancer.

Six years ago I returned from my daily 5 mile walk and jumped in the shower before getting my 6 year old son on the school bus and taking our 2 year old daughter to a play date.

Rushing through the morning routine I jumped in the shower. As I showered, I remember suddenly becoming still as my washcloth stopped at the top of my right breast. There was a hardness to my breast that was not there the day before. I still remember standing still in the shower with the water running for so long that it turned from hot to cold .draining the hot water tank and draining the routine thoughts of the day from my mind.

As I tried to collect myself, my first thought went to "Oh no, something isn't right". Then as my brain raced, I tried to rationalize .. "Impossible ..this hardness was NOT there yesterday how could a lump appear that quickly? ..what am I thinking? .there's no history in my family .I eat healthy .I exercise ..I nursed my children .I've never smoked I even eat lots of salmon!.(we all know how good salmon is for you!) .I did all the "right things" I was 32 years old! " Yet, somehow I knew instinctively something was not right.

I chose not to tell my husband that day about what I had discovered in the shower ..at the time I convinced myself that I needed to wait to tell him until I had all of the information .yet now I realize that perhaps I held off on telling him because somewhere inside I realized I couldn't handle my own thoughts while dealing with his I knew he would freak out. I waited for 4 days before I told him ..questioning, worrying, working though the "what if's" in my mind in silence In 4 more days I learned that I indeed had a diagnosis of Stage 3 Infiltrating Ductile Carcinoma .Breast Cancer.

Three weeks after diagnosis I was being wheeled into the surgical suite at Mass General for removal of both of my breasts. Three weeks after that I started chemotherapy at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute .a place I had always donated to for "the cancer patients" but had never walked inside its doors as "the" patient.

When I look back at that year of diagnosis, five major surgeries, chemotherapy, losing my hair, genetic testing, a hysterectomy, reconstruction and recovery, I'm amazed at how strong we can be when we have to be. We can be strong despite being so scared. We can be strong despite being overwhelmed by a medical world that is foreign to us. We can be strong despite the pain. Pushing against the boulder does indeed make us strong.

I remember trying to balance being "mom" and being "the cancer patient" .involving the children so they didn't feel cast aside while the focus was on fighting the disease, yet also protecting them. I still chuckle at the memory of asking my 6 year if he wanted to shave my head when my hair started to fall out from the chemotherapy. He was thrilled to have something he could do to help! The only problem occurred while he was working on the back of my head he was clipping slowly and cautiously ..when I asked him if something was the matter, he told me he was trying to be careful so he didn't poke the eyes on the back of my head!!

On the radar screen of life, cancer is one of those BIG beeps .not a little beep like missing a flight at the airport, or getting stuck in rush hour traffic .it is a BIG beep! It truly does something to you not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. Simply facing our mortality creates great divides .in friendships, in relationships, in families no two people handle it quite the same. I discovered new friends willing to sit for hours by my side during chemotherapy treatments and I found that some friends disappeared .unable to handle my illness. I found doctors who would give me their personal cell phone numbers for me to call at any time, day or night ..and I found doctors who couldn't remember my name while holding my chart in their hands.

Physically it is amazing what they can do with the human body these days I'm telling you ..I've got more parts missing or replaced with new and improved models I feel like I'm set for life! And that's precisely the point ..I'm set for LIFE!!!

While cancer is a big beep on our physical radar screens, I believe cancer is a much BIGGER beep on your mental and emotional radar screen it truly causes you to pause ..think ..think some more ..and say, "What in the world am I doing with my life? I'm HERE! I want to LIVE! I want to LIVE my life! I may not be able to move the boulder by myself, but I know I will be stronger for trying! I want to live!!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people spend so much of their lives complaining about the boulder in their yard. Too many people spend their lives complaining about what life has handed them .about what they "got" or what they "didn't get". As far as I'm concerned, you "get what you get" from there you have a choice .to complain about it, to whine about it, or to get OVER it and make the most of it!

This phrase applies to so much in our lives, "You get what you get - get over it!" "You get what you get - deal with it!" "You get what you get - don't complain, improve it!" The idea that life is "unfair" and that we all "deserve" certain things boggles my mind ..things happen ..life is "unfair" .we get what we get! Things happen to all of us ..it's part of life! We all get gigantic boulders dumped in our laps sometimes! We can be overcome and complain about life not being fair, or we can realize that we "get what we get" and must make the best of it!

Each one of us has a boulder we want to move. What we must realize is that the pushing against the boulder makes us stronger. We may never get rid of the boulder believe me, every year when I go in for my check up at Dana Farber, the boulder is still there ..sitting larger than life in my mind's eye .and I wonder ..is the boulder back?

The boulders that we are all up against can feel gigantic. The pushing makes us tired and can make us callused. Every one of us has a boulder in our lives ..it's what IT MAKES OF YOU that makes the difference.

Let me tell you what the boulder of cancer has made of me.

I have learned that despite "getting what I got", life is GRAND. Life is WONDERFUL! Life is meant to be LIVED! I don't want to just "live" though .I want to live my life in exclamation points!!! I want to live in exclamation points!!!

I would like to propose a concept to you all here tonight ..the concept of adding punctuation marks to your lives. Specifically, adding an EXCLAMATION POINT to your lives.

It's simply amazing to me that when you add a simple vertical line above the dot of a period and apply it to the cycle of your life, your life go from "routine, normal, every-day" to "living large with excitement and joy!"

We can go through life in a series of periods as we go through the motions of routine. We can go through our lives in question marks .. always doubting, questioning, second guessing . OR .we can choose to go through life incorporating exclamation points at every turn to make our lives and the lives of those around us come alive!

I think of exclamation points, bold letters and all caps the same way I think about wearing red shoes .not just red shoes ..I mean RED shoes! It's exciting! It's bold! It stands out!! Every time I wear red shoes I get two reactions ..one from women and one from men. The women stop me and say, in a hushed voice, "I LOVE your shoes .but I could NEVER wear them .I don't have the NERVE ..but I SO wish I did!" .to which my response is, "Of COURSE you can wear them! They're fun! They're exciting! Here! Try mine on!!" The transformation when a woman puts on a pair of outrageously red shoes is magical! She immediately stands a little taller, she smiles a bit broader, and she walks with more authority! It's a statement, it's a feeling, its an expression! My red shoes are my exclamation point!

Now the other reaction I receive from my red shoes is from men, who also come up to me and in a quiet hushed voice, typically with eyebrows wiggling, they say, "Hey, I LOVE your shoes ..", which has an entirely different meaning of it's own! ?

What's YOUR exclamation point? What are YOUR red shoes?

The second thing that the boulder of cancer made of me was my ability to see the power of CHOICE.

It took me a long time to truly see myself as worthy of making choices for myself. I have always been a "nurturer" by nature .sometimes I blame it on my Italian heritage ..my mother was always the one to encourage anyone walking through the door to sit and "manga, manga, eat, eat!!" instinctively I had always thrived on taking care of everyone else. I had just never learned to truly take care of "me" in the process.

Even through cancer I was worried more about everyone else than I was about myself .I was focused on my then 2 and 6 year old children ..my husband ..my family ..our friends .I didn't want to make them uncomfortable or inconvenienced because of my illness. Looking back what was I, crazy? Cancer is UNCOMFORTABLE and it sure as heck is INCONVENIENT!!

Part of loving your life is choosing yourself first ..it is being your favorite person .and those are not selfish thoughts. By loving your life and who you are you become stronger, more capable, and more giving to others! When we are caught up in doubt, denial, fear and uncertainty, we have little to give. We MUST give to ourselves first! We must be nurturers to ourselves before we can nurture others.

I have a friend who has a 13 year old son who is wheelchair bound, whose body and mind are wracked with disease her son has been the boulder that was placed in her yard yet she has for years planted flowers around the boulder and has seen the beauty. She just received a second boulder ..placed beside the first. She discovered she has the genetic marker for breast cancer and has made the choice to undergo preventative surgeries ..a hysterectomy and mastectomies. This choice she has made is not selfish. This choice is focused on survival. She needs to be there for her son. No one else can care for a child as a mother does and she is making the choice to take whatever measures she can to continue to be there. Her choice allows her to chip away at the boulder ..minimizing its size.

Being your favorite person is not selfish, or self-centered .it is essential! If we do not believe in ourselves we cannot believe in others. Our personal confidence reflects onto others! When a stone is cast into still water, it creates a ripple. Choosing yourself first and interacting with the world around us with a heightened sense of personal confidence creates the same ripple effect ..it's a ripple of positive energy.

The third thing that the boulder of cancer made of me, is my ability to receive the power of joy in my life.

When my children were small and started to question the theories of magical beings that would sneak into our home and leave special treats ..you know, such as the tooth fairy or the St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun ..I would tell them, "if you don't believe, you won't receive!" Well I feel the same way about the power of joy. If we don't believe in joy in our lives, we cannot possibly receive joy in our lives.

While I am truly blessed and privileged to today be standing here as a cancer survivor, cancer, I now realize, brought me joy. Cancer filtered my reality to awaken my senses! My vision, my hearing, my sense of smell and taste, and my ability to touch have all been renewed!

My vision has been focused more clearly on what is truly important in life and allowing insignificant items to blur into the background. Cancer intensified my ability to see the joy of sunshine streaming through the clouds, or a hand picked bouquet of dandelions in the grasp of a child. What do you truly see in the world around you?

My hearing has been fine tuned to allow me to delight in such joyful sounds as children laughing, birds chirping, or gentle rains tapping at the windows. Cancer has also provided me with the ability to hear more clearly others in need or someone in quiet pain so that I may offer my help. Is there someone in your life that you need to hear?

My sense of smell now provides scents I never new existed! I do stop and smell the flowers rather than rush by in haste. Is there a new smell you can discover?

My sense of taste has come alive so that a meal made for me by a child rivals that prepared by any great chef. Cancer proved that a meal made by friend or family in our time of need includes one priceless ingredient not found in any store .the ingredient of "love". Cancer made quite clear that a meal shared together has more joy than a meal eaten alone. Is there someone in your life you've been wanting to share a meal with? Call .make a date ..today!

Cancer enhanced my sense of touch so that my heart swells every time I hold the hands of my children. Cancer causes me to pause and stroke the soft cheeks of my sleeping children and wonder at their beauty. Cancer has provided me with the feeling of joy with every hug with a friend. Who in your life needs a hug ..a friend? A patient? Reach out to them .it makes all the difference!

I am so very grateful for the countless numbers of people who over the years have pushed and pushed against the boulder of disease ..who have tirelessly worked at chipping away at the boulder without their constant pushing and chipping at the boulder I may not be here today.

Don't let the boulder of disease that you push against every day cause you to lose focus on why you're working so hard. My living and breathing here today is a result of the work of countless people in the medical field pushing hard against the boulder. It's about the PEOPLE you help. The boulder has names and faces attached to it. Physicians must be cautious to not become calloused toward the boulder of disease as they push and push against the boulder of disease because of 'people' ..not for recognition, not for fame ..but for people .to save lives.

Pushing against the boulder, chipping away at the boulder, or combining forces with others to push the boulder aside is POWER.

It creates the power of hope and it creates the power of LIFE! We must realize our strength! Joy is a powerful force if we look for it, are open to it, and are willing to receive it! Once we receive it, we can then share it with others!

We don't have a choice on how we die, we only have the choice of how we live! Choose to live in joy. Choose to help others find their joy. Choose to help those you encounter every day to discover their red shoes!!

Put a few exclamation points in your life! Put LOTS of exclamation points in your life!! Make the choice for joy in your life. Choose joy!

What Boulder Are You Pushing?
Play Pen Yard

Black Friday Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose 2011 Deals

Nov 23, 2011 16:24:29

Black Friday Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose Deals
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Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose <<

Black Friday Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose Feature

  • Elevated, easy-reach changing table
  • Removable toy bar with 3 soft toys
  • Extra-deep storage shelf
  • Full-size bassinet
  • Compact folding design

Black Friday Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose Overview

The Safety 1st travel ease Elite play yard makes traveling a breeze for you and your child.  The compact folding design allows you to easily take it from place to place, whether you're going to visit the grandparents or just transitioning from the nursery to the living room. This Elite play yard includes a removable toy bar with 3 fun toys to amuse your little one. With an elevated, easy-reach changing table, storage shelf and full-size bassinet, it has all the options you want in a play yard. Elevated, easy-reach changing table. Removable toy bar with 3 soft toys. Extra-deep storage shelf. Full-size bassinet. Compact folding design. Easy maneuvering wheels. Easily folds into carry bag.

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This Black Friday Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose

Limited Offer Today!! Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Lcd Cleaning Cloth Bushnell Scopes Croscill Sheet Sets

5 Brilliant Rumi Quotes

I have a lot of favorite authors, but one that tends to spark a welcome wave of inspiration and renewal every time I read his work is Rumi. Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet (1207-1273). Though his original works were written in Persian, they have also been translated into other languages and are still enjoyed by people in many countries today - even seven centuries after his death! Such timeless writings hold true gems of wisdom that we can rediscover and savor each time we ponder them.

Play Pen Yard

With that thought in mind, I'd love to share five of Rumi's quotes that I believe are truly brilliant. They are my personal favorites and I've shared a few thoughts about why they speak so strongly to my heart - but don't take my word for it; ponder them yourself and let them speak to you. What insights do they hold for you?

Play Pen Yard

"Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth."

This quote immediately moves me into that fabulous state of passion and joy that can only come from following your heart! Every time I read it I feel like kicking off my shoes, grabbing a notebook and pen and heading out to the back yard to write some poetry. Not that I write much poetry. Besides, it's winter here so my feet would get cold. But Rumi's words make me want to do it anyway.

On a deeper level, this quote reminds me that our true happiness comes from having a purpose in life. Something that makes us feel like we're doing worthwhile work - even if it's only worthwhile to us. And I love the phrase, "kneel and kiss the earth" - it brings to mind thoughts of gratitude and appreciation for, well - everything. The world around us and all of its inhabitants from people to animals to plants and even the tiniest insects. What wonders surround us!

"When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy."

So many of us forget this simple wisdom in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. We're so focused on what we have to do, need to do, almost forgot to do - that we end up living from our harried minds rather than the deeper place that makes everything so sacred.

Try an experiment yourself to feel the power in Rumi's words: Choose one task, big or small and do it from your soul. Take a walk and make a point of moving your body slowly and reverently. Brush your hair as if it were made of spun glass that might break if you tug too hard. Revel in the sensation of the brush bristles massaging your scalp and softening your hair. Even simple activities, when done in a conscious spiritual state, can awaken you in such profound ways that you'll never be the same.

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

Nowadays we are becoming more aware of the power of our own thoughts and the role they play in forming our physical reality, and this quote is very revealing in that context! Every time I read it I'm reminded that lack does not exist except in my own mind. Whatever I think I don't have enough of, I simply need to awaken to the ways I am blocking it from my perception. When I do that, suddenly it's all there right before my eyes, as it always was - if only I had been willing to see it. This can apply not only to love but money, good health, joy, inner peace, and so much more.

"The universe and the light of the stars come through me."

I don't think Rumi was bragging about his own greatness with this line, but rather sharing the insight that all of us "give birth" to our reality (our own universe, really) through our perceptions. He also may have been referring to inspiration - I've often said that written words "come through me" at times, especially when I'm "in the flow" and the words just come out with little editing on my part.

"Burdens are the foundations of ease and bitter things the forerunners of pleasure."

What a powerful message is contained in this gem! So often we resent the difficult moments in life and forget that they provide an important service for us. Not only do they lay a foundation and pave the way for better times later; they help us to become stronger, better people so we can appreciate those pleasant experiences when they arrive.

When I think back to some of the more difficult times I've had in life, I'm truly grateful for them now. They taught me a lot about myself and contributed greatly to the person I've become. I try hard to remember that when I find myself in tough situations these days - which makes them easier to bear.

In fact, that's what I love so much about quotes like Rumi's; they offer a moment of reprieve, a glimpse of grace, and a gentle reminder that the difficult moments will pass and the sun will shine once again. What more could we ask for?

5 Brilliant Rumi Quotes
Play Pen Yard

Black Friday Dream On Me 3" Foam Playard Mattress, White 2011 Deals

Nov 22, 2011 16:55:54

Black Friday Dream On Me 3
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Dream On Me 3

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Dream On Me 3" Foam Playard Mattress, White <<

Black Friday Dream On Me 3" Foam Playard Mattress, White Feature

  • 3" foam playard mattress
  • Hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial waterproof cover
  • Fits the cosco fun sport playard
  • Accommodates babies 3 - 25 pounds
  • Meets Federal Flammability Standard 16-CFR 1633

Black Friday Dream On Me 3" Foam Playard Mattress, White Overview

27-CO Features: -Foam portable crib mattress. -For Cosco Play Yard. -Hypoallergenic. -Anti-bacterial. -Waterproof cover. -Wipes clean with mild soap and water. -Complies with 16-CFR 1633 standards. -Fits the Cosco Funsport Playard.

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

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This Black Friday Dream On Me 3" Foam Playard Mattress, White ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Dream On Me 3

Limited Offer Today!! Dream On Me 3" Foam Playard Mattress, White Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Sony Camera Batteries Kids Cabin Beds Counter Stools Sale

Making Pig Pens

Most people think that pigs are one of the dirtiest animals because in movies they are constantly covered in mud and living in it. This is in fact a mistake that is made quite often and anyone who has these animals will tell you that building their home or pen around only mud will make them mad. They want areas where they can eat and play.

Play Pen Yard

The first thing that you need to do is choose an area where the pen should be. You will have to find something that if flat and will be able to drain easily when it rains. Water that is left standing on the ground will attract insects that will bite the pig. Some people will choose to set it up on a concrete slab.

Play Pen Yard

After you have chosen the location you need to build a house that will keep the pig safe when it rains or is cold. They do not have the toughest skin or much hair and is sensitive to weather conditions. make sure that that the fences are at least four feet high so they cannot jump the fence.

Make sure that you separate areas for the pig to sleep, eat, and play. They are rather organized and clean animals so you need to keep their feeding troughs in a different area from where they sleep or use the bathroom. Inside of the pig pen there should be a good bit of straw to help keep them warm during the cold months and to absorb odors when they use the bathroom.

You can have a mud pile when you build pig pens. They only use this when they are trying to cool off during the summer. If you want to forgo it then you should install a fan or some other form of shade.

Making Pig Pens
Play Pen Yard

Black Friday Jeep Playpen Netting 2011 Deals

Nov 21, 2011 17:27:10

Black Friday Jeep Playpen Netting Deals
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Jeep Playpen Netting

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Jeep Playpen Netting <<

Black Friday Jeep Playpen Netting Feature

  • Fits most standard sized playpens
  • Helps protect child from mosquitoes and other insects
  • Jeep playpen netting
  • Playpens
  • Includes storage bag

Black Friday Jeep Playpen Netting Overview

Jeep Playpen Netting

Helps protect child from mosquitoes & other insects, fits most standard sized playpens.

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Jeep Playpen Netting ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Jeep Playpen Netting

Limited Offer Today!! Jeep Playpen Netting Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Crib Bumper Pad Camera 10 Megapixel

Dog Kennels - Happy and Healthy Habitat

If you are thinking about getting a new puppy or dog then you will soon find out that you are in need of many pet supplies. The one necessity for your new puppy is a dog kennel. Dog kennels are available in various sizes, shapes and materials for different uses.

Play Pen Yard

The Outdoor Dog Kennel

Play Pen Yard

For many dog lovers it is difficult to picture this, but many people keep their dogs outside most of the time. For the people who keep their dogs outside, there are outdoor dog kennels that are normally made from weather resistant chain link fence material or some other strong metal mesh material. These kennels usually enclose a large area to give the dogs room to roam about. Typically these enclosures have very high fences or are enclosed over the top with more fencing material. Huskies are particularly known as escape artists and it is highly important to make sure their enclosure be secured all the way around. A dog kennel run is another option that usually is larger than just a kennel and allows for more exercise.

Normally these dog kennels will be connected to a shed, barn or garage type enclosure so the dog has relief from the elements. If this is not available then a dog house must be provided so your pooch can escape the heat of the day or a freezing blizzard. Usually an outdoor dog kennel will be large enough for multiple dogs, but if you build your own kennel then of course you will be able to build it to suit your own needs. These kennels and dog runs are necessary for the health and happiness of your new dog, not to mention its safety.

Another option for those of you who will need to keep your new buddy from escaping the yard or mauling guests then you could always use an outdoor dog play pen. These play pens are dog kennels that are normally made of plastic and are much smaller than an outdoor dog enclosure. These work best for puppies and small dogs, but a well behaved medium sized dog should benefit from these play pens as well. These play pens are portable and you can take them where ever you go.

The Indoor Dog Crate

Well if you are like most people then your new best friend will be an indoor dog. It is important that your new dog, if he is going to be sharing your space, that he learns to respect that space. The first thing you will need to know is that you must teach your dog its boundaries and the best way to begin this is to crate your dog while you are away from home.

Dog crates are dog kennels for the home. They come in a wide variety of sizes and are typically rectangular in shape. These crates should be made of some type of metal material and have a door that locks. This safely prevents your new puppy from doing destruction to your home before they have learned not to chew or potty in the house. Kenneling your pooch will also help you to house train them much quicker and easier, keeping your stress level down considerably if utilized correctly. The dog begins to see the crate as its den and dogs will not soil their den if it can be helped. One important thing to remember not to leave you new puppy for longer than four hours without a potty break. It takes time for their bladders to grow to a size where they can hold it for extended periods of time.

There are many of you who might be cringing at this advice because you like to consider your dogs human and might think it cruel to lock them up, but your first mistake is considering them human. Dogs are dogs and are comforted when they know they have a place in the pack and they will feel much more safe having a place to call their own. Many dogs can eventually be trusted to roam the house freely while you are away, but still might use their dog kennel as a retreat and a place to relax and sleep.

If you are going to be using an indoor dog crate then it is imperative that you buy the appropriate size to match the dog. Every dog should have their own crate and each crate should be just big enough for them to stand up and turn around and that is it. If the kennel is too large it might encourage the dog to potty in the kennel because they can go to one side and use it as their toilet then get away from it by going to the other side of the kennel.

Dog Kennels - Happy and Healthy Habitat
Play Pen Yard

Black Friday Pavlov'z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen 2011 Deals

Nov 20, 2011 17:59:31

Black Friday Pavlov'z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen Deals
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Pavlov'z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Pavlov'z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen <<

Black Friday Pavlov'z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen Feature

  • Baby play pen with electronic features
  • Strudy molded plastic
  • Easy to clean with soap and water
  • Portable and easy to assemble

Black Friday Pavlov'z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen Overview

Keep baby safe, having fun and learning in this sturdy portable play pen. Easy to assemble either at home or on the go. Can be placed on the floor or outside. Your 12 month to 3 year old will be occupied with the activities provided. Which sound matches the picture in the book? Dial a phone, move the gears, look in the mirror, tell time on the clock. There is enough room to include your little person's favorite toys.

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Pavlov'z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen

Limited Offer Today!! Pavlov'z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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